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The nlmixr2 team

The nlmixr2 team currently has the following members:

  • Matt Fidler (Lead developer)

  • Bill Denney

  • John Harrold

  • Richard Hooijmaijers

  • Theodoros Papathanasiou

  • Rik Schoemaker

  • Mirjam Trame

  • Justin Wilkins

They also have the following emeritus members:

  • Wenping Wang (founder of nlmixr)

  • Teun Post

  • Yuan Xiong

  • Huijuan Xu

The nlmixr2 Scientific Advisors

  • Paolo Denti

  • Stephen Duffull

  • Jeffry Florian

  • Marc Gastonguay

  • Lisa Hendricks

  • Manuel Ibarra

  • Mats Karlsson

  • Joseph Standing
